Waste is collected and classified into inorganic waste and organic waste. Organic waste is collected and transported to the black soldier fly farm of the organic cooperative No. 1. Here organic waste is used as an attractant and main food for black soldier fly larvae. Besides using organic waste, at the end of the cashew season, farmers also collect cashew and move them to the soldier fly farms to feed larvae.
The by-products of the composting process are used for the cooperative's organic cashew farming:
Puree larvae: make fertilizer, feed for livestock and poultry
Dried larvae: make fertilizer, feed for livestock and poultry
Inoculants after the process of decomposing garbage of black soldier fly larvae: make fertilizer
The farming of black soldier flies also offers applications in the decomposition of organic waste on most organic waste before waste releases a foul odor. Because the amount of feces black soldier flies release is very small, they will reduce up to 90% of waste with pathogens around the environment, without creating an unpleasant stench. As black soldier fly larvae are very voracious, other harmful larvae will be deprived of food and unable to develop.
When dealing with waste, black soldier flies will not create a stench, greenhouse effect, or dirty wastewater source, and can minimize the volume of waste. Therefore, the research and application of black soldier fly in waste treatment is being promoted to bring a cleaner living environment.